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Ep30: The Goal(s) of Practice. Do we need one?
Is Buddhist meditation only about awakening or are there other benefits? Why are we bothering to meditate anyway?
Ep29: The Triple Gem and the Refuge it Provides
In this episode Doug and Jon exploring the practice of taking refuge. The Triple Gem refers to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. T
Ep28: Dealing with Politics in the Buddhist Context
How do we work with our own fixed views and the fixed views of others. With this in mind, is it helpful to bring politics into our Buddhist practice?
Ep27: Bhikkhu Bodhi and the War in Ukraine: Lessons for Buddhists?
How do we deal with war? If we are practicing the precept of non-harming (non-killing) what are we supposed to do, and how are we supposed to feel about the situation in Ukraine?
Ep24: What is Enlightenment Anyway?
It’s been said that “enlightenment is an accident and meditation makes us more accident prone”. There is certainly some truth in this. In this episode we look at Enlightenment from some different perspectives.