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Season 4 Ep 4: Silence and Solitude
How important are silence and solitude for our practice. What did the Buddha have to say about it. Jon and Doug discuss.
Season 4 Ep 3: Finding Joy Through Practice
Jon and Doug discuss how we can our practice cultivates joy and the importance of bringing joy to our practice.
Season 4 Ep 2: Pilgrimage and Spiritual Seekers
Jon reports in on his Buddhist Pilgrimage in India.
Season 4 Ep 1: It’s About Time
Jon and Doug discuss the concept of time in the Buddha’s teachings.
Season 3 Ep 38: Practicing in Challenging TImes: a conversation with Stephen Fulder
Jon and Doug have a conversation with the Israeli Dharma teacher and peace activitist Stephen Fulder on his work in Israel/Palestine over the last 40 plus years.
Season 3 Ep 37: Refuge in Practice: Self or Sangha?
Practicing with others or practicing alone, what do you find to with a community. How is it different? Does it matter? Jon and Doug discuss this important question.
Season 3 Ep 36: Investigation, Energy and Joy
Doug and Jon discuss three key Factors of Awakening that can make a big difference in our practice
Season 3 Ep 35: Conscious of Consciousness
How does the habitual mind relate to consciousness and when does this become a problem. Jon and Doug discuss this final element of the five aggregates of clinging to self.
Season 3 Ep 34: Sankharas, What Are They? Volitional Formations/Mental Constructions, etc.?
Volition, Formations, mental fabrications, constructions. . . . so many words to describe the wow of the mind and its potential karmic consequences.
Season 3 Ep 33: Bringing Our Practice to an Unwanted Outcome
Given the results of the US Election (not the outcome desired by Doug or Jon), how can our practice be a support.
Season 3 Ep 32: Takin’bout Feeling (Vedana)
For many, at least in the US, this election season has created a great deal of anxiety. It’s not very pleasant! This is one aspect of Vedana, the feeling tone of experience. Doug and Jon have a lively discussion on this important key to freedom.
Season 3 Ep 31: Forms as an Aggregate of Clinging.
Doug and Jon continue to explore the Five Aggregates of Clinging. How do we cling to the form I call me, or the form I call you and beyond.
Season 3 Ep 30: "Things Are Not as the Seem , Nor are they Otherwise*"-- Perception and Mis-Perception
Perception is always an interesting aspect of mind to talk about. Doug and Jon, of course, have mis-perceptions about many things, and decide to speak about them here.
Season 3 Ep 29: The Fetter of Conceit (Copy)
Ever have issues with the comparing mind? How does our concept of ourselves create suffering. Doug and Jon discuss the fetter of conceit of self and others.
Season 3 Ep 28: Disenchantment: It's not really what it sounds like, or is it?
Disenchantment or Nibbida, is an important part of the teachings, but it may not be what you think it is.
Doug and Jon, discuss!
Season 3 Ep 27: A Buddhist View on Forgiveness
Is forgiveness a Buddhist practice? There is no specific practice in the teachings, but somehow it's found its way .
Doug and Jon have an interesting discussion on Forgiveness.
Season 3 Ep 26: The Buddha in the Voting Booth
The Buddha didn't vote, but of course, he never had the opportunity. What would he think of the process today?
Doug and Jon discuss the Buddha and politics.
Season 3 Ep 25: Is Meditation Dangerous
Jon and Doug discuss the potential "dangers" of intense meditation practice.
Season 3 Ep 24: Renunciation
What do we really need to live with ease? With Jon's impending move to Chicago, this podcast was recorded while he was purging and packing.
It brought serious questions on the practice of renunciation.
Season 3 Ep 23: The Value of Silence
Doug and Jon talk about the value of silence in our practice.