Jon Aaron Jon Aaron

Ep.8: Who Are You Calling Greedy?

How does greed-- or desire-- arising in our lives? It's subtler than we think. What is greed, what are its effects, and how should we look skillfully at our intentions so as to defuse it?

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Jon Aaron Jon Aaron

Ep.6: What is Mindfulness?

These days with the overuse of the word "mindfulness" we look at what the early teachings tell us about this practice and how it relates to the “modern mindfulness movement.”

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Jon Aaron Jon Aaron

Ep.5: Why Meditate?

Good question, why do we meditate anyway? In this episode we discuss the technicalities of meditation and what it really is in relationship to the practices taught in the early Buddhist teachings.

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Jon Aaron Jon Aaron

Ep.2: What do we like about Buddhism?

What is it about Buddhism that is compelling? How has it helped us and how has it changed us? The Buddha always said—check it out for yourself—having done this, what did we discover?

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Jon Aaron Jon Aaron

Ep.1: What Brought us to Buddhism?

As we initiate our podcast, in these first few episodes we introducer ourselves, how we came to Buddhist practice, what meditation brings to our lives and what it can bring to yours. How did Buddhism become part of your life? Doug Smith and Jon Aaron discuss how it became part of theirs.

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